Are You Ready For Christmas?
Christmas is just around the corner. I heard radio stations playing Christmas songs already. A house around here has already Christmas decorations up. I even saw Christmas lights at their window grills when I passed by at night. I understand others are done with Christmas shopping already. When I was still in Manila I started to buy Christmas gifts when ber months come. But now I haven’t had the chance to shop for Christmas gifts don’t know where to buy here lil expensive :) to shop Christmas gifts here in Singapore. I and Babeth actually scourge Takashimaya last weekend however there’s so much crowd at the basement that you can’t afford to queue at the counter. We didn’t buy anything and just transfer to Paragon Mall instead. I actually wanted to buy gifts this early because I will be going home in Manila on December 6 for my regular check up in St. Lukes and this would an opportune time to bring those stuffs at home. But anyway might as well buy gifts at SM or Shangri-la upon my arrival, I just hope I will be able to finish all my medical affairs early so that I could still scourge for bargain sale in Manila :). I have lots in my lists. I may need two days to complete my gift lists.
My nephew wants PSP and the other boy want new mobile and I want new camera for myself so I might wait for after Christmas sales. Now that I think about it, there are only 63 days until Christmas. Maybe I’d better get to start on :).
Anyway have a nice day folks!!!