Thursday, November 09, 2006

Christmas Shopping List

Doing some shopping for Christmas gifts this week, my thoughts returned to Christmas memories when I was still a kid. Ever year when its ber months I would start buying gifts for my niece, nephews and for my godson, and goddaughter as my Christmas present. I bought gifts ranging from infants, toddlers up to pre-schooler however; I found it difficult to buy Christmas gifts for teenagers. I remember when I was a teenager; my mother and my godmother would always ask me what I wanted for Christmas. I remember telling her it doesn’t matter. Whatever. I would usually get new clothes or shoes from my Mom and sometimes bagful of candies from my godparents. Now that I look back on it, I’m surprised that I didn’t get any toys during Christmas. The least I could’ve done was give her some idea of what I had on my mind. But now teenagers seem to already have an idea about what they want from Santa. I remember when I visited my sister; I asked my niece and nephews about what they wanted for Christmas. I was surprised in the answers I got. I sent a text to my godson and goddaughter and their replies surprised me also. Three wanted a new cell phone, and the others wanted a new watch. My nephew is asking for a desktop computer. One of my godson wants a game boy from Santa. I know that times have changed since I was a child. It’s been a decade since I was a teenager and I can’t remember ever wanting any of those things or anything even resembling those things. I can only remember wanting one thing when I was a teenager – a Barbie doll. Since my Mom could not afford to buy the doll, I will usually got a promise that next Christmas if our farm crops and economy will be all right. She will try to buy Barbie doll for me and my Ate. That promise didn’t happen and I didn’t have any Barbie, I will just be contented with the rug doll that I have which was already worn out at that time. Longing for that Barbie doll stayed in my sub-consciousness which I carried until I got used to imagine how it feels having a Barbie from Santa. When I have my first job, I bought a FilipiniƱa Barbie, which I kept until now.

After hearing what they wanted for Christmas, I sat back and thought about what my younger nephews will want when they are teenager. A house, a car or their own personal robot? By the time there’s no telling what will be the popular thing to buy. :)

Now that I’m older, I can think of so many, things that I want for Christmas. And it’s funny because there is no electronics involve. I really wanted to buy laptop for myself (if I have enough extra money left from my Christmas shopping spree J). My elder sister and my younger brother have already asked what I wanted for Christmas. I actually told them a long list of things :).

So to all parents, godparents out there I wish you luck this Christmas in hopes that you get an answer about what your teen wants from Santa this year. If not, then just wait a few years.

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