Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Salary Negotiation: 11 Popular Myths By: Nathan Newberger

Myth # 1

No application will be reviewed without salary requirements.

Ads sometimes print this to begin the initial screening. By saying too low or too high of a figure, you eliminate yourself from the running. It you are a qualified applicant, employers will not toss your resumes aside simply because it lacks salary parameters.

Myth # 2

In the hiring world, no exceptions are made.

Bottom line, employers can always make exceptions (to salary guidelines/restrictions), if they feel you are the best candidate and you will not take the proposed offer.

Myth # 3

Employers dislike negotiating salaries.

Most interviewers will like you more and feel more justified in hiring someone who fights for what he feels deserving of. There is no harm to try and justify to an employer why do you deserve more.

Myth # 4

Past low salaries = Future low salaries.

Even if your salary history is less than stellar, you can show the employer how you’ve developed your skills and talents which now makes you a more valuable team member.

Myth # 5

Always negotiate for the highest salary.

Cash is not always the most important thing, what about benefits, bonuses and quality of life. Does the job offer you opportunity to do what you want to do and still have a life after office hours?

Myth # 6

A salary is a fixed figure: You can’t change it.

All salaries are negotiable. Even if you can’t increase your paycheck, you may be able to land more benefits or bonuses to sweeten your entire compensation package.

Myth # 7

A beginning salary is just that --- a beginning.

Wrong! Most raises are based on a percentage of your current earnings. So those who accept a lower salary without negotiating may be kicking themselves for years to come.

Myth # 8

Not asking for more money improves your chances.

This strategy can sometimes back fire and make you look less valuable to the company, decrease yourself confidence and actually decrease your chances of landing the job.

Myth # 9

You should take the first offer and be grateful.

In reality, you should always negotiate the initial offer because it is just a starting point to wind up at the highest range. Most employers plan for negotiation and start the offer at a lower salary to begin with.

Myth # 10

Agree to the final offer ASAP.

Some job seekers may think that someone else could take theirs place, if they don’t jump on the offer. Not true. Getting the offer in writing welcomes you to join the firm until you say any differently. Take @ least 24 hours to think any offer over.

Myth # 11

If I don’t take the first offer, someone else will.

Applicants may be scared into taking the first offer because they think another applicant will gladly snatch up the offer even if it isn’t that great. If the employer wants you enough, they will pay you enough, in one form or another.


Knowledge is power and knowing that you have room to negotiate will help you to ask for and get the salary you deserve. Remember that the first offer from an employer is usually not the last and final offer -- there is always room for negotiation.


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