Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Stressful Week

I had my last day @ the office on March 10, 2007. I stayed @ the 9/F for around three (3) hours to chat with Angee our Mktg. Assistant on issues I would rather keep it to myself. When I arrived home I decided to do my laundry on a Saturday night, leaving in mind that I have to go to the parlor the following day Sunday for my monthly manicure/pedicure and hair styling. I spend my whole afternoon @ the parlor. I slept early for I have set my mind on having my pre-employment medical and physical examination @ the designated clinic by my new employer. I had undergone laboratory test, urinalysis, CBC count and physical examination. My attending physician and Internist took notice of my bulging thyroid and protruding eyes which prompted her to ask me to raise my hands only to found out that I had tremors. I was advised to undergo thyroid scan and laboratory test. When I arrived home I contacted my doctor @ St. Lukes Hospital to verify on the risks of thyroid scan. I was referred to his endocrinologist friend. I immediately asked for an appointment the following day Tuesday (March 13, 2007). I didn’t want to take chances and I was worried of the thought that the Internist had suspected that I have toxic thyroid symptoms. I had an appointment with the endocrinologist @ three o’clock in the afternoon but because I was not able to sleep well the night before my appointment I arrived too early at his clinic that I have to wait for him for around 3.5 hours as he had his clinic too with another hospital. I was advised to undergo the laboratory test and thyroid scan at the Nuclear Medicine Department of St. Lukes Hospital. I immediately went to the Billing Section to ask for the computation of the entire test that I have to undergo and paid on that day and had my laboratory test @ the Pathology Department. I went directly to the Nuclear Department Reception to ask for an immediate scintigraphy and iodine uptake schedule on the succeeding days (Wednesday and Thursday). On Thursday March 15, 2007 my last day of iodine uptake I went through with the scan procedure to evaluate my thyroid function and morphology. I would say the St. Lukes has the right to say that they had the best technology in the world for they have the latest hospital equipment in the metropolis. Since I am expected to report to my new job the next day Friday March 16, 2007 I asked the radiologist to process the results of my laboratory and scan test immediately so I can have the abstract on Saturday. I really am worried of my state that I was not able to sleep well on that day. A lot of scenarios had been in my mind the whole night. As usual on I went early at the hospital and waited for my endocrinologist almost the entire afternoon. I didn’t mind waiting for him at his clinic lobby so long I would be able to know his analysis of the laboratory tests though in my mind I know what they had suspected was true because I opened and read the scintigraphy analysis done by the Nuclear Medicine Department Resident Doctor. I was in denial that day that all I wanted to do was cry and asked myself why I acquired such delicate symptoms. But before I sulk I came in the realization that I have to be strong to survive defeat because I have no one to turn to. I was advised by my endocrinologist that I have to undergo one-year medication. Thanks God my state is not that serious and I only had thyrotoxic symptoms. But nevertheless I still have to comply with the doctor’s prescription to take oral medication for one-year period and have laboratory tests every month to remove the toxin contamination in my blood. I was stunned of the thought that this started when I was still connected with my previous work @ an electronics manufacturing firm. I had my ultrasound two years ago for I was diagnosed with thyroiditis. I didn’t want to think that this was my calculated risks for I stayed with the company for almost 2 years and left and resigned when I acquired a lot of skin allergies. I remember my allercologist before said that my allergies where brought on by the nature of my work and my exposure to toxic chemicals which was inherent to any electronics manufacturing company. The environment and maybe the soil even the water can be contaminated by the chemicals used in the manufacturing process. I know my employer will not accept the responsibilities that I left because of my thyroiditis which the management did not accept when I filed my position on the issue.

I come to realize now that God has been so good to me that even if I had this ailment I am still grateful for this another lease in my life. My endocrinologist said that good thing the symptoms went into my thyroid lobes which anyone can easily took notice rather than have the symptoms to other parts of my body which chances are I will not be able to be aware of. My thyroid both has no focal defects even if the symptoms are evident already.

Please pray for my full recovery. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who had extended care, prayers, and concern during the time of my uneasiness and lost thought.

I am really grateful from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you Lord.

Have a nice day to everyone.
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