Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Love Affair with Skyflakes

Skyflakes is a brand of crackers here in the Philippines as Ritz is to the United Sates. I wanted to talk about my skyflakes fascination today. This is a heritage brand trusted by many generations manufactured by MYSan Corporation. As its company's website said "with its versatility skyflakes is your crackers anytime, anywhere. I have some investment with this crackers as I've been eating this crackers for almost twenty years now. (I started eating this when I was akid, on my younger days, but not that I am still young. I am getting old damn) :), and have become something a connoiseur(?) My day will not be complete without munching on skyflakes in the morning, it's really fascinating to me. I don't mind it when people say they don't like crackers; not everyone has to. I would always amaze my officemates when upon seeing my plastic box always full of skyflakes crackers.

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